
Take the message to the people


These days, the internet provides organisations with novel ways to reach whole new markets and audiences. However, digital outreach can’t offer the same sort of personal encounter and direct interaction as an in-person marketing event.  

That’s why roadshows remain one of the most powerful strategies for companies looking to interact with a warm audience, learn from peers, extend their reach and spread their brand awareness over a larger geographical area.  

What’s the recipe for success? To make the most of trade shows, you need to start with well-designed conference booths and polished presentations. Then you should stir in one more critical ingredient: Portability.


HP Intel Roadshow Showcase
Every year, HP run a roadshow which showcases their newest products to franchisees all over Australia. These events are well known in the industry - they tend to be in upmarket venues with lavish food and drink.  


Like any other marketing event, space and presentation matter at a roadshow. To attract visitors and create the right environment for meaningful conversations, organisations need booths, stands and stage sets that give their presenters a voice and make attendees feel comfortable listening, asking questions and having conversations with staff.

We work with clients to come up with just the right strategy, from simple but elegant customstand designs to more elaborate, intriguing promotional displays for unique locales. Roadshows come in all shapes and sizes, and with varied purposes. Many are tailored to specific industries or interests, such as the Good Food and Wine show in each state. Others may be aimed at business objectives, like financial IPO events. Often, attending these shows is a key way companies stay at the forefront of their field and achieve their goals.

No matter the industry or type of exhibition, knowing the goals for each show will drive a more effective and successful strategy.  Our exhibition designers can help you develop a compelling presentation as well as ensure your staff have the resources necessary to get the most out of each event. From brochure stands to technology that both impresses and creates possibilities for greater engagement and better demos, having each element in place can drive interest and generate leads.

Fetch Trade Show Booth
A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story. Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.


For many enterprises, the roadshow season is just that: A whole calendar of events. Taking promotional activities on the road involves attending multiple exhibitions or conferences.  

As a result, having a portable trade show booth isn’t just a nicety – it’s a necessity. 

To maximise the return on investment for trade shows, companies need custom-built displays that can be used over and over – for years, even. Reusing as much of the material as possible each time allows them to save on display costs, which is why we develop highly flexible and durable booths that are easy to assemble, pack up and adapt to different spaces.  

Modular panels, for instance, facilitate a variety of shapes and sizes, and all of our stands are constructed with the finest materials to ensure enduring strength and a good-as-new look every time.


Sunbeam Mobile Trade Show Container
This 20ft container was converted into a mobile showroom for Sunbeam products before completing a national roadshow of iconic venues. We used both road and rail networks to get this to where it had to be.


Usually, organisations face compressed timelines for making it from one show to another. Trekking between cities, states and even countries in just a few days or weeks is stressful enough as it is. Exposure Group takes some of this burden off the shoulder of event planners by coordinating logistics, travel and assembly precisely.  

We regularly manage multi-city, multi-state and international roadshows, implementing custom-built booth designs as well as stage sets for opening and closing remarks. In addition, we offer logistical support to customers attending more than one trade show with their tailor-made exhibition stands.  

Before each event, our team inspects the materials to ensure everything is in order. Then, we travel to the site to assemble the exhibition stand and set up the technology so it’s ready to go when you arrive. Even if something unexpected happens – such as damage during the transportation – our production and installation teams will work diligently to ensure each piece is in place by the time the show begins.  

Following the show, we also take care of disassembly and ship the materials on to the next location or back to storage. To improve efficiency and save on costs, we use a number of storage locations throughout Australia.  

Leveraging careful planning and durable materials, we ensure our clients have portable exhibits that are protected, ready to go and impressive when it’s game time. With years of experience managing trade shows and coordinating exhibitions all over Australia and abroad, Exposure ensures organisations leave one show and arrive at the next with the same finished set-up ready and waiting for their presentation, demonstration or marketing event.  

Our production teams understand that speed, durability and dependability are critical for organisations putting on or participating in roadshows. We’re committed to delivering on expectations every time, no matter what it takes. With that peace of mind, you can focus on making the most of your roadshow activities.