Achieve Global Reach

A proven track record of delivering international projects:

Take your brand overseas to an international exhibition, contact our team today to learn more about what's entailed and how we can make the process easier for you.

Whether at home or abroad, we can help you get the most value out of your trade show or other marketing endeavours.

In today's interconnected world...

Organisations have unprecedented opportunities to reach global markets and network with industry leaders hailing from all corners of the earth. 

International exhibitions, trade shows and other events are great ways for businesses to gain exposure in a region, raise their brand profiles within the broader industry and connect with potential partners and customers from around the globe.

However, participating in a trade show or carrying out a marketing activation in another country comes with its own set of challenges.  

There’s a whole host of considerations for exhibiting internationally, such as currency exchanges, cultural differences, logistics and infrastructure. Working with a vendor that knows the ins and outs of these elements – or at least which questions to ask – can give you an advantage and make for a smooth, successful project.

Exhibition Design for global events

At Exposure Group, our team has significant experience designing and producing trade show booths, exhibition stands, and other marketing displays around the world.

Drawing on our familiarity with the local business and cultural landscape of the APAC region, Europe and the Americas, we can help clients anticipate the impact of the many variables international projects will include.

 Currency exchange

Fluctuating currencies and exchange rates add risk. We can manage this area for you and allow you to work in your home currency.

Availability and Resources

Different countries have access to different materials and resources. We are aware of the regional differences that can make a difference to the end result.


Each country has its own differing taxation laws. VAT, GST, import and export rules.

Climate conditions

Heat, humidity, rainy seasons, all can impact a project if you do not consider and include them in your project from the start.

Cultural differences

From work hours to work ethic, all can have an impact on the success of your project.


Local knowledge for freight and handling, even traffic conditions can all have a negative impact on a project if managed badly.

Language barriers

Communication plays a big part in a successful project. From the selection of our team to the selection of our suppliers we can mitigate any communication challenges for you.

We’ll help you factor these considerations into your budgets and overall exhibition strategy from the early stages of the process so you can avoid financial surprises. Then, we can help accommodate these differences by taking care of currency exchange and having contingency plans in case of unforeseen events, for example. Our teams can advise on the types of materials that are most suitable in a certain location, based on factors like local supplies, humidity and temperature.

Local resources to fuel your international exhibit

Exposure Group has a network of resources and connections within countries around the world to make it easier and more cost-effective for our clients to carry out marketing events there.

We hold stock regionally and work with local factories to coordinate projects overseas and have close working relationships with suppliers globally.

These experiences have given us the ability to plan for local work ethic and labour arrangements, understand regional variance in materials and production techniques and we’ve built relationships with partners we know we can trust to deliver on expectations for our clients.

The Exposure Group difference

Exposure Group has a proven track record of delivering on time and within budget – for projects both in Australia and overseas. Our reliability is one of the reasons clients come back to us year after year with the confidence that we’ll consistently meet or exceed their expectations.

With a team of highly talented designers, project managers and production specialists, we have the expertise in-house to develop and create stunning displays, optimised for each client’s unique needs and the specific venue of the show. Interactive features, modern technology and sturdy, cost-effective materials set our trade show booths and other showrooms apart.

If you’re interested in taking your brand overseas to an international or local exhibition, contact our team today to learn more about what’s entailed and how we can make the process easier for you. Whether at home or abroad, we can help you get the most value out of your trade show or other marketing endeavours.