Event stress

How can you minimise stress in the lead up to big event?

Exposure Group, Benjamin Feltham

Whether you're exhibiting at a trade show or taking your brand out on the road for maximum visibility, there's something exhilarating about showcasing your company for all the world to see. While carrying out a successful event is undeniably rewarding and delivers significant business benefits, it also brings with it a certain amount of stress.  

Understanding work-related stress  

More than 1 in 3 Australians cite issues in the workplace as a key source of stress.

Ever feel burned out from the pressures of the job? You're not alone. More than 1 in 3 (34 percent) Australians cite issues in the workplace as a significant source of stress, according to the Australian Psychological Society. Not only can this lead to a range of health issues, it also has the potential to negatively impact your company's bottom line. 

In fact, Safe Work Australia found that work-related stress costs businesses more than $10 billion every single year. Understandably, the highest rate of mental stress claims come from employees who are responsible for maintaining the wellbeing of others, such as train drivers, police officers and paramedics.  

The risks involved with work-related stress are clear, but what can you do to keep calm and relieve tension in the days before setting up your custom trade show booth at a big event? We've rounded up five tried and tested techniques.  

1. Develop a plan of attack  

Creating a detailed plan of attack will help you stay on top of things.Creating a detailed plan of attack will help you stay on top of things.

Perhaps the most effective way you can keep the butterflies to a minimum prior to an event is to develop a clearly defined plan of attack. Breaking down the workload into smaller chunks makes everything more manageable and eliminates the of fear of facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge. As a bonus, you'll also get a little jolt of satisfaction each time you cross something off the list. 

As Eventbrite noted, when writing this action plan, it's vital that you set completion dates for the tasks to ensure you're not leaving everything until the last minute. If you really want to go into the event prepared, you could also consider incorporating a backup strategy into your master plan just in case should anything go awry in the eleventh hour.   

2. Use booth staff you know you can depend on  

Always use reliable booth staff you can depend on.Reliable and experienced booth staff are critical elements for a successful event.

While your custom exhibition stand will help you attract prospects at the event, it's really up to the people you have manning the booth to capitalise on this opportunity and convert interest into sales. With this in mind, remember that technical aptitude alone does not necessarily make for good event staff. In fact, in a trade show environment, a warm smile, outgoing personality and an ability to keep a conversation flowing smoothly are all traits that are equally important – if not more so – as technical expertise.  

If you're planning to hire externally for the event, try to use the services of a company you've worked with in the past. Failing this, ask around your networks for recommendations of promotional businesses. Knowing that your booth staff are reliable, professional and up to the challenge will help you keep your stress levels in check in the days leading up to the event.  

3. Get enough sleep

Stay on top of the game by getting enough sleep in the lead up to the big day.Stay on top of the game by getting enough sleep in the lead up to the big day.

If you feel like there are too few hours in the day to get everything done before the event, you might be tempted to forego some shut-eye in favour of getting more work done. Resist the temptation and go home and try to get some quality sleep.

Why? Well, keeping well rested in an integral part of keeping stress levels low, which in turn can improve your ability to be patient and stay focused. However, despite its importance, around 51 percent of Australians report not getting enough sleep, according to figures compiled by healthcare provider Bupa. Avoid contributing to this statistic and keep your mind clear by getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night – including the days prior to your event. 

4. Understand the logistics of the event  

Understanding the logistical elements of the event will help you develop a better game plan.Understanding the logistical elements of the event will help you develop a better game plan.

Before the big day, get a good feel for the logistics of the event, venue and your exhibition stand. This might require a bit of back and forth with trade show organisers and your trade show booth suppliers, but the extra communication is absolutely worth the peace of mind that comes with going into the event calm and prepared.  

There are any number of practical questions you might have. For example, Smart Insights explained that it might be a good idea to get some details about venue lighting near your exhibit space in order to help you understand how your booth will look on the day. Other logistical matters such as access to power outlets and proximity to venue amenities will hold you in good stead going into the event.  

5. Know your technology  

Avoid any last minute surprises by getting a good grasp of the technology you'll be using at the event.Avoid any last minute surprises by getting a good grasp of the technology you'll be using at the event.

Incorporating technology into your trade show booth is an excellent way to stand out from the crowd and attract prospects. However, it's important that you and exhibit staff have at least a fundamental understanding of how it works, its potential and its limitations.  

Knowing the ins and outs of your tech can help you make the most of your resources, reduces the risk of user error and reassures event attendees that your company is modern and capable.  

For even greater peace of mind, always use a supplier you can trust. Contact the Exposure Group team to find out how our custom designed spaces can help you maximise exposure while providing you with the ultimate peace of mind.