Industry: Aviation & travel
Trading Region: International
Skills/Specialities: Aviation analysis, aviation data, aviation summits, and aviation training

Leaders in global aviation knowledge

Center for Aviation (CAPA) is one of the world's most trusted sources of market intelligence for the aviation and travel industry. They help clients by giving them the highest standards of service  providing news, analysis, and data that businesses need to stay ahead of the competition.

With their reputation for independence and integrity, CAPA members are sure they get the whole story, including powerful data and in-depth insights on the news, issues, and trends shaping the industry.

Since its establishment in 1990, CAPA has been developing a global network of aviation researches and analysts based across Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia. Aside from their research and data services, CAPA also hosts events in select key markets, attracting thought leaders of the highest calibre and top decision makers, opening avenues for connection with aviation and travel industry leaders from around the world.




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