
Industry: Marketing & advertising
Trading Region: Worldwide
Skills/Specialities: Trends, strategy, research, user experience, brand experience platforms, social media, events, brand & visual identity, content, immersive technology, data science, CRM

Working as one to transform businesses through creativity

With a 50-year track record of ideas and innovation, the people at Imagination are experts in creating experiences for brands that create more memories than any message.

Unified by their belief in the power of experiences to transform, they use a unique blend of business, strategy, technology, production and creative expertise to create experiences shaped very precisely to produce measurable change for their clients.

They transform businesses through creativity by delivering practical, purposeful change that achieves specific goals, precisely defined by their clients’ strategic needs.


Hello, We wanted to send you a quick note to say thank you for helping us to create a remarkable stand for Woodside at the LNG 18 Conference last week. We have received some wonderful feedback from our client at Woodside, "We've had so much positive feedback on the stand it's been overwhelming - from our board, executives, staff, contractors, competitors - the list goes on and on. Thanks so much for all of your hard work in delivering an exceptional stand, it has been a huge success for Woodside." It has been great to work with you all and we are extremely grateful for all your hard work and dedication to this project. Until next time! With huge thanks from everyone here at Imagination - Producer

Hey Steph, Just a personal note extending my thanks to you and the whole Proj-X team. I really appreciate all of your efforts. It was a challenging job for a number of reasons but we got there and the end result really was phenomenal. You guys really delivered there, the end product was really really great. I am actually pretty proud of this one and you all should be too. Let's strive to deliver bigger and bigger projects together as a team, working to make them better every time. Please show the guys this email. Thanks again - Producer

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