Industry: Information and Communications Technology
Trading Region: Australia
Skills/Specialities: data science research, design, and engineering

Creating Australia's data-driven future

Previously known as Australia's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Research Centre of Excellence, NICTA's role is to pursue potentially economically significant ICT-related research for the Australian economy.

NICTA was structured around groups focused primarily on pure research and the implementation of those ideas within business teams.

They have five main focus areas for their Research Groups, namely: software systems, mobile systems, machine learning, computer vision, and optimization. They also have four Business Teams responsible for determining potential commercial or economic outcomes in the following domains for ICT: (1) broadband and the digital economy, (2) infrastructure, transport, and logistics, (3) security, and (4) environment. Lastly, they have an Engineering and Technology Development Team which helps productize their research outcomes.


Hi Steph, Thanks for all your help with CeBIT last week. Your professionalism, experience, commitment and humour were (and are still J) much appreciated. We got lots of comments on how good the stand looked so please also pass on our thanks to Sarah for a job well done - Manager, Events and Sponsorships

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