Launch your next product

And find immediate success

Exposure Group, Benjamin Feltham

Launching a new product is equal parts exciting and terrifying. It's exciting because if things go well, you might have a big hit! Provided that people love your new offering and buy it en masse, it might be just the breakthrough your company needs to reach the next level. It's also terrifying, though, because you're taking a big risk. If your new product bombs, it could be a major setback.

Do your homework before a product launch and make sure you're starting off on the right foot.

Given the high stakes, it makes sense to do your homework before a product launch and make sure you're starting off on the right foot. This most certainly includes drawing up a marketing strategy. You want to be confident that you're targeting the right consumers, and sending a message they'll want to hear.

Graphics play an important role in this process. Ideally, you're not just speaking to people in the right language – you're also painting a picture they'll be dying to see. All of these elements matter.

What goes into a successful launch?

If launching a product were as simple as merely hatching an idea and letting it loose upon the world, then everyone would be doing it. Unfortunately, your challenge is a little more complicated than that. According to the Queensland Government's business and industry portal, there's a three-step process that must take place before you can dive right into marketing activation.

The first step is refining your product concept. Surely you already have a broad idea of what your product will be, but have you thought specifically about your intended audience and the specific pain points they're facing? How can you cater your offering more directly to them?

Secondly, you'll need to refine your marketing plan. This involves knowing who your audience is, how to reach them and what sorts of messages resound with them. For example, you can't use Instagram for marketing a product aimed at 60-year-olds or print journalism when your customers are teenagers.

Finally, you'll have to address issues of legality and compliance. For example, if there's any risk of you infringing upon someone else's intellectual property, it's best to address such issues early rather than let them fester.

It's time to dive right in

Once you've completed all the preliminary work, it's time to get started with brand activation. It's important not to wait too long before this step. After all, you're squandering time and money every day, and there's no time like the present to get started.

Don't worry too much about launching your product. Just dive in. Don't worry too much about launching your product. Just dive in.

According to CIO Magazine, it's unwise to worry too much about whether your product is perfect. It's better just to dive in and address minor issues if they pop up later. One of your biggest challenges as a small business marketer will be spreading the word about your product, and that takes time. Don't let the clock tick too long.

Of course, when it comes to spreading the word, you want to have graphical elements that will play a key part in your marketing campaign. If you've got a compelling product and can match it up with engaging imagery, that's a tough combination for anyone to beat.

Use design to grab people's attention

No matter what industry you're working in, you're sure to have plenty of competition, so you'll need your offering to stand out. At Exposure Group, we hope to give you a little assistance with that. We have a vast array of custom trade show displays and other visually engaging products that will help your brand really pop.

With a team of experts on our side, we have all the talent needed to take your brand to the next level. No matter what sort of engaging visual materials you're looking to create, we'll be ready to help you do it.