COVID-19 Statement


Exposure Group, Benjamin Feltham

Dear Partners,

At Exposure Group, we continue to monitor the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) developments very closely. Our primary concern remains on the safety of our employees, our clients and the well-being of those impacted around the world.

This is an unprecedented situation we have never faced before. The coming months will be challenging for us professionally, commercially and personally. However, we are committed to working through this with our partners.

Our team are already doing our part in reducing any potential spread of the virus. All office staff will be available via phone and email and are working from home whenever possible. Production staff are staggering shifts to allow a reduced amount of people in the building at any given time.

To the valued clients of Exposure Group, we want to reassure you that despite current circumstances we remain open for business and will continue to support you as a trusted partner. Your continued support during this challenging time is appreciated.

The Federal Government stimulus package includes an increase to the instant asset write-off up to $150,000 (up from $30,000) until 30/06/20 for businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $500 million (up from $50 million).

How might this be of use to you? It means that assets can be purchased now providing a 100% tax deduction at EOFY. These assets could include:

• Custom exhibition stands.

• Retail fit-outs, interiors, demonstration spaces and showrooms.

• Modular and portable marketing, brand activation and retail kits.

• Promotional vehicles.

• Our custom event caravans or Airstream caravans.

• Customised shipping containers for events and roadshows.

Contact our team now to discuss ways to take advantage of the instant asset write-off or to start planning for rescheduled events.

I wish you and your loved one’s good health. Stay safe.

Ben Feltham

Managing Director