Successful product launches

What does it take to launch a new product successfully?

Exposure Group, Benjamin Feltham

There's a difficult balance to be struck whenever it's time to release a new product.

Marketing each new product with the right tone and graphics can make all the difference.

On one hand, you need to create awareness. Customers aren't going to read your mind and magically find out you have a new release for them – the onus is on you to put the word out. At the same time, however, you don't want to be overly aggressive and spam people with marketing messages that might annoy them more than enticing them. There's a fine line.

Marketing each new product with precisely the right tone – and the best possible promotional materials – can make all the difference. If you want to get maximum ROI from each new item you roll out, it's important to be meticulous. All the details matter.

Mapping out a plan for commercialisation

Getting into brand activation isn't always easy. When you're drumming up support for a brand new product, it's sure to be an arduous process. According to the Queensland Government's business and industry portal, there are a few different factors you need to consider when commercialising your new offering:

  • An advertising plan – How will you generate exposure for your product? What demographics will you target with your message? How will you target them – traditional media ads, online or via mobile apps?

  • A direct marketing strategy – With your most prized customers, you're probably already in regular contact with them, whether via phone, email or social media. Will you reach out to them directly and ask them to buy your latest product?

  • A PR strategy – Another, more creative way to build up marketing appeal is to get your product mentioned in news coverage. Consider pitching your brand to media outlets that might have interest.

For all of the above strategies, it's important to have communications materials that are engaging and will make people want to learn more. Attractive graphic design is certainly a part of this process.

Drawing up creative marketing materials

So how will you draw up marketing materials that will entice customers and make them want to buy your new product? According to HubSpot research, the process is generally the same, whether you're putting together complex trade show displays or just printing something simple like a pamphlet.

Graphic design is a key part of branding.

Graphic design is a key part of branding.

It begins with researching the market and your target consumers in depth. What makes them tick? What are they looking for in their favourite products and brands? What sort of messages will resonate with them best?

Once you've got all this figured out, you can begin to design compelling creative assets that will appeal to them. You can hook them with whatever elements will appeal to them most – demos, free trials, rebates and so on – and then give them more details as they read on.

Graphics, of course, will also play a role in holding their interest.

Our team can lend a helping hand

At the heart of every business is a desire to offer a smooth, enjoyable customer experience. At Exposure Group, we believe that graphics are a part of that. If you have promotional materials that are easy on the eyes, that's the first step toward making people happy with your product. That's why we see graphics as a fundamental part of marketing activation.

We have a team of exhibit designers on our staff who are ready to help you carry out your next branding initiative. If you're getting ready to launch a new product, you want it to be a big hit, and we do too. Allow us to lend our expertise to the process.