Roadshows for marketing

How can your company benefit from using roadshows for marketing?

Exposure Group, Benjamin Feltham

In 2018, you have no shortage of options available to market your business to the outside world. The rise of modern technology, including mobile marketing and social media, has made it even easier to build your brand in creative and diverse ways. You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own office to do it.

There's only so much marketing potential you can uncover simply by sitting in one place.

Then again, you might be better off if you do leave. There's only so much marketing potential you can uncover simply by sitting in one place. If you're willing to travel and connect with people in new markets, you might be able to build more customer relationships than ever.

This is the thinking behind roadshow marketing. If you've got a compelling marketing message to share with the world, why not take it on the road and show it to new people in places you've never visited before?

The unique value of road shows

If you only stay put in your local area, there's a limit to how much new business you can attract. If you really want your brand to gain traction in far-off markets, the best way to do it is by taking your exhibition stands on the road and meeting new customers where they are.

According to Exhibitor Online, one of the key value propositions of the roadshow is the ability to appeal to people in locations that otherwise, you might not be able to reach. If your establishment only has locations in a few specific areas within your town or state, there's a chance that your brand will only have appeal in those areas. By moving around, you can diversify your appeal.

Sameer Tobaccowala, CEO of Shobiz Experiential Communications, told Exhibitor Online that while roadshow marketing can work, it will only be effective if your business has a concise pitch that you can quickly, efficiently deliver to unfamiliar new customers.

"A roadshow is like an arrow," said Tobaccowala. "You need a concise and focused message that quickly hits the target. An exhibit is like an onion – visitors peel away the layers of experience until they reach the core."

Strategies for launching your brand

As you go about attacking new locations where your brand hasn't gained traction before, it's good to go in with a strategic plan. Your brand activation efforts will be most successful if you do your research beforehand and investigate when and where your company will have demographic appeal. Being in the right places at the right times can make all the difference for generating exposure.

Building your brand requires creative thinking.

Building your brand requires creative thinking.

In addition, you can add to the traction your business gains by promoting your road show online and in other media. For example, if you videotape parts of your exhibition and broadcast them for viewers in other cities to watch, you can exponentially grow your audience. There are really no limits to your capabilities if you're creative enough to pursue them.

Hit the road in style

If your company is getting ready to hit the road, you'll want to be armed with the right supplies first. To ensure road show success, you need the right display. Fortunately, Exposure Group is here to help with that, offering portable trade show displays that look great and can easily be shuttled from place to place as your schedule demands.

The best promotional materials are robust while also durable and adaptable. You want to be the star of the show wherever you go, and you need big, majestic displays to make that happen. You also want your materials to be compact enough that you can pack them up and move on to the next city at a moment's notice. Exposure Group will help you find the balance of both those worlds.