RFID tags

4 reasons to use RFID tags at your next trade show

Exposure Group, Benjamin Feltham

In years gone by, the use of technology in exhibition booth design was fairly uninspired. Sure, a display featuring the latest gadgets and gizmos might have been effective at attracting visitors on a superficial level, but they typically failed to deliver the long-lasting business benefits that today's brands are looking for.  

RFID uses radio waves to automatically identify tag wearers.

Thankfully, the industry has since made a lot of progress. Now, organisations that incorporate technology into their trade show stands are not only enjoying greater engagement from event attendees, they're also unlocking valuable insight into their clients' behaviour, which in turn enables them to deliver a better quality product or service.  

One piece of technology that has proven itself to be an integral part of the digital revolution is the radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. How does it work? Well, as RFID Journal explained, the technology uses radio waves to automatically identify tag wearers. The information is transmitted via an antenna and stored on a microchip housed within the tag. RFID readers can then be used to translate this data into information that is compatible with computers, which companies can use to hone their marketing strategies.  

Understanding the technical details of an RFID system is one thing, but how can your business benefit from leveraging this versatile technology? Here are the four key advantages of using RFID.

1. Better ability to measure engagement  

RFID tags provide decision makers with the insight they need to make better business decisions.
RFID tags provide decision makers with the insight they need to make better business decisions.

As touched on, perhaps the biggest advantage to using RFID is the level of detail at which you can measure visitor engagement. This takes all of the guesswork out of exhibiting, enabling you to see in real time not only how many people have visited your custom trade show display, but also which elements of the booth they have interacted with.  

This provides you with a high level of insight into how effectively your display is attracting prospects, as well as giving you an idea of which products and/or services they are most interested in. Armed with this information, it's a relatively simple matter of creating targeted material promoting these offerings, which greatly boosts your chances of obtaining new clients and driving sales.

It's worth noting that RFID tags are also an excellent way of identifying your attendees' demographics, such as their job title, the area in which they're based and the industry they operate within. This data can be used to further tailor your exhibits and campaigns to these potential buyers.

2. Eliminate time-consuming registrations  

Reduce flow and create a better event experience for prospects with RFID tags.
Reduce congestion and create a better event experience for prospects with RFID tags.

Trade shows are busy at the best of times, often compounded by bottlenecks at certain parts of the event due to time-consuming manual registrations. This is often frustrating for attendees and exhibitors alike – the latter don't want the process to have a negative impact on their clients' experience, while the former simply want to explore the event without spending hours navigating the floor.  

RFID tags allow companies to significantly reduce or completely overcome this problem. RFID Insider noted that RFID tags enable users to sign up for mailing lists, seminars, launches and other events with a simple tap, removing the need for conventional registration. This improves flow, minimises congestion and streamlines the entire process, providing a better experience for everyone involved.  

3. Unlocks potential for promotion across digital channels  

Whether physical or virtual, get the most out of all your promotional channels.
Whether physical or virtual, get the most out of all your promotional channels.

It's no great secret that social media plays a vital role in modern branding. In fact, according to Statista, there are around 13.5 million social media users in Australia, highlighting the need for organisations to consider how they can combine their real-world resources with their digital assets.  

Enter RFID tags. As Eventbrite explained, in addition to measuring engagement, RFID technology can also be used as a very effective social media promotion tool, and the possibilities are near limitless. For example, you might incorporate interactive points into your exhibition stand which, when tapped, could allow users to instantly share how much they're enjoying the event and your company's booth in particular. This can drive further engagement in both the real and digital world and strengthen your organisation's overall visibility.  

4. Interactivity equals a better customer journey  

Interactive marketing is crucial for succeeding in today's marketing landscape.
Interactive marketing is crucial for succeeding in today's marketing landscape.

In an article titled 'The Future of Interactive Marketing', Harvard Business Review explained that modern marketing has moved away from the one-size-fits-all concept, to an increasingly tailored and customised approach. This has largely been made possible thanks to advances in technology, which has paved the way for two-way communication between clients and companies in a way that purely analogue marketing could never hope to achieve.  

What's more, this arrangement is mutually beneficial. For instance, businesses leveraging RFID tags in their display booths are able to obtain a wealth of data on their clients' needs, wants and behaviour. From the customer's perspective, they stand to benefit by receiving offerings that are directly relevant to their business interests, allowing them to quickly identify the best solution for any given scenario and cut through the noise. 

The bottom line

There's no denying that technology is changing the exhibition game, and companies that are ready to embrace innovation are already seeing fantastic results. RFID is playing a key role in modern display booths, providing enterprises critical insight into the behaviour of attendees, which can be used to create a more bespoke customer journey.

However, it's worth noting that the benefits of RFID are very much a two-way street. Clients enjoy a more streamlined experience and are able to access a wealth of information about a company's offerings with a simple tap. In addition, customers are also better able to access relevant products or services without having to sift through the noise of conventional broadcast marketing.

Thinking about how you can incorporate technology into your next exhibit? Get in touch with the Exposure Group team and find out how we can make it happen.